Little Deers Pre-school - Day Care

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About Little Deers Pre-school - Day Care

Other Information Little Deers Preschool is a small independent preschool located in the Beckly Centre. We currently support parents by accepting 30hrs and Me2 Funding. We are a small team of experienced childcare providers who thrive to provide a warm and friendly setting for the children. We are very fortunate to be able to access Radford woods on a regular basis to enrich our childrens experinces.
Categories Childcare, Nurseries, Day nurseries

What is Offered

Age groups Looks after children aged between 2 years and 4 years 11 months
Funding available 2, 3, 4, Offers Extended Entitlement (30 hours)
Little Deers offers Term Time only childcare to children aged 2-4 years. Our opening hours are 9am - 3pm with the added breakfast club starting at 8am.


Inspection Type Inspection (Early Years Register)
Ofsted rating is Good
Last inspected on Monday, July 11, 2022

Costs and Availability

  • Age group - 2: 5.5 per hour, 38.5 per day.
  • Age group - 3: 4.8 per hour, 33.6 per day.
  • Age group - 4: 4.8 per hour, 33.6 per day

  • Monday 08:00-15:00
    Tuesday 08:00-15:00
    Wednesday 08:00-15:00
    Thursday 08:00-15:00
    Friday 08:00-15:00

  • Term Time

Contact Details

  • Address: The Beckly Centre Mayers Way, Plymouth, PL9 9DF