Little Deers Pre-school - Day Care
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About Little Deers Pre-school - Day Care
Other Information Little Deers Preschool is a small independent preschool located in the Beckly Centre. We currently support parents by accepting 30hrs and Me2 Funding. We are a small team of experienced childcare providers who thrive to provide a warm and friendly setting for the children. We are very fortunate to be able to access Radford woods on a regular basis to enrich our childrens experinces. Categories Childcare, Nurseries, Day nurseriesWhat is Offered
Age groups Looks after children aged between 2 years and 4 years 11 months
Funding available 2, 3, 4, Offers Extended Entitlement (30 hours)
Little Deers offers Term Time only childcare to children aged 2-4 years. Our opening hours are 9am - 3pm with the added breakfast club starting at 8am.
Inspection Type Inspection (Early Years Register)
Ofsted rating is Good
Last inspected on Monday, July 11, 2022
Ofsted rating is Good
Last inspected on Monday, July 11, 2022
Costs and Availability
- Age group - 2: 5.5 per hour, 38.5 per day.
- Age group - 3: 4.8 per hour, 33.6 per day.
- Age group - 4: 4.8 per hour, 33.6 per day
Monday 08:00-15:00
Tuesday 08:00-15:00
Wednesday 08:00-15:00
Thursday 08:00-15:00
Friday 08:00-15:00- Term Time
Contact Details
- Address: The Beckly Centre Mayers Way, Plymouth, PL9 9DF
- Phone: 07531664891
- Email:
- Website: